Functional Interface Java8 1200x630

Functional Interface – Java8

Before Java 8, an interface could only declare one or more methods also known as Abstract Method (method with no…

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java thread local storage

Java Thread Local Storage explained in easiest practical way

One of the cool feature of Java that I like is ThreadLocal storage. ThreadLocal storage is explained in easiest way…

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jpa eclipselink logging

How to enable JPA eclipselink logging in WAS Liberty

When this goes well, you are happy but every developer hits situation when you need more logs and details to…

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ehcache3 jcache performance

EhCache3 as JCache (JSR-107) Implementation with Cache Statistics

If you are reading this you already know that caching is mechanism to store static data In-Memory for faster access…

ehcache3 caching performance

EhCache3 In Memory Caching for Performance Improvement

If you are reading this you already know that caching is mechanism to store static data In-Memory for faster access…

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code syntax highlighting

Syntax highlighting and formating source code in blog

There are many very enthusiastic bloggers and writers in many fields. I am writing this blog for blogger who write…

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